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SAIT Belgium

Visiting address

Z.1. Research Park 110



Postal address

Z.1. Research Park 110

Zellik , 1731



Tel +32 2 370 53 11

Fax +32 2 370 52 31

Company information

SAIT was created in 1913 by the King of Belgium Leopold II. In the beginning SAIT was focusing on maritime radio communication, but rapidly expanded to other segments like airport communications, land telecommunications, system integration, interphones, defense, spatial, etc. SAIT, over the last 100 years, was always recognized as a high tech and innovative company with constant growth.

Company information

Headquarters location Z.1. Research Park 110
1731 Zellik
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Communication Systems
  • Remote Maintenance Monitoring
  • Research and Development