ERA wins Avinor tender for 125 SQUID vehicle tracking units at Stavanger Airport Sola, Norway

Avinor recently announced the selection of Czech Republic-based company ERA to supply 125 vehicle-mounted SQUID transmitters for surface vehicle tracking in Stavanger Airport Sola.
“The evaluation has been based upon the contract award criteria identified in the Invitation to Tender and the final decision is based upon a total evaluation of all criteria, which identifies that ERA has delivered the economically most advantageous tenders,” stated Tone Skau Monsen, Procurement Expert of Avinor.
Avinor evaluated the bids of all market leading suppliers of vehicle tracking products, focusing amongst other things on reliability and automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) transmitting capabilities. ERA’s SQUIDs will be interoperable with the existing surface guidance system at Stavanger Airport Sola and will improve the overall situational awareness and safety of this international airport. The first 60 SQUID units have already been delivered.
The ERA-designed SQUID self-contained vehicle tracking unit improves airport safety by continuously broadcasting the exact position of all ground vehicles. By using permanently mounted or portable squitter beacon transmitters, SQUID minimizes the risk of safety vehicle collisions, particularly during low visibility conditions. The design of the equipment ensures easy integration and interoperability with any other multilateration or ADS-B system based on ICAO Annex 10 defined Mode S Extended Squitter datalink. Squid by ERA fully supports the concept of area management in order to limit non-essential transmissions. The system allows operators to define discrete boundaries outside of which the SQUID unit will shut down.
SQUID vehicle tracking units
Stavanger Airport Sola is an international airport serving Stavanger, a city and municipality in Rogaland county, Norway. It is Norway's third-busiest airport, with both fixed-wing aircraft and helicopter traffic for the offshore North Sea Oil installations. Stavanger Airport, Sola is Norway's second oldest airport, opened in 1937. The airport was the second to have a concrete runway in Europe.
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