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What is ATC Network?

Wide Area Multilateration System

An Indra's WAM system will provide a cost-effective surveillance product with low maintenance, scalable and flexible architecture to meet current and future Air Traffic Management surveillance needs.

Unlimited Coverage

  • Wider geographic coverage and performance with fewer sites
  • Not limited to line of sight sites
  • Flexibility in receiver sitting
  • Reduced time and cost of site acquisition including: land leasing, power, communications and maintenance
  • Scalable

High Accuracy

  • Highest accuracy with improved performance

Low Cost

  • Lower through-life cost due to simple maintenance at remote sites
  • Lowest total life cycle cost


  • Highest reliability with minimum maintenance and downtime
  • Safety ensured due to high integrity and availability

Easy Maintenance

  • Single low powered units
  • Minimal number of components
  • Can be sited on existing infrastructure reducing total costs
  • Rapid fault finding and diagnostics ensures maximum availability
indrapic1The WAM system calculates an aircrafts position by referencing the time difference of arrival of a signal at a collection of receiver stations in the ground.

It can synchronize with sub-nanosecond accuracy stations hundreds of kilometers apart using our advanced and proprietary common view GNSS synchronization.

It can fix the position and track objects in 3D for a wide range of civil and military applications at a very fast rate of renew.
Indra's WAM as is based on Roke VigilanceTM System, has demonstrated in operation as the most advanced WAM system available in the market and homologated by Eurocontrol. Its third generation of hardware achieves superior performances than other systems:
  •          The best accuracy of the market
  •          Highest system reliability and availability
  •          Fast rate of target acquisition for better positional
  •          Flexible, simple receiver sitting and installation
  •          Superior coverage in difficult terrainMinimal maintenance
To learn more about Indra WAM based on Roke VigilanceTM System, visit and TRANSPORT & TRAFFIC: OUR OFFERING