AIM Data Exchange Training

Alleyn House, 23-27 Carlton Crescent
SO15 2EU
United Kingdom
Tel+44 (0)2380 238 232
www.snowflakesoftware.comContact person Institution
- Snowflake Software
- Duration
- Half a day to two days
Education information
Get up to speed with aviation data exchange models
The management and distribution of aeronautical, flight and weather information in digital form through exchange models based on open standards is now a reality. Aviation data exchange models based on OGC and ISO standards, including AIXM, WXXM, IWXXM (AvXML) and FIXM, are a major part of the SESAR and NextGen programmes. It is now more important than ever to get up to speed with the new data exchange models for Aeronautical Information Management (AIM).
Choose from 3 great courses
Designed for all knowledge levels, Snowflake Software's courses for Aeronautical Information Management take delegates through the basics of the aviation data exchange landscape, open standards, and international initiatives before getting more in-depth and technical looking at specific models including AIXM, WXXM, IWXXM (AvXML), FIXM, and their extensions. Made up of three courses the suite includes:
AIM for Managers – a half day course designed for non-technical managers exploring the changing aviation data exchange landscape including an introduction to AIXM, WXXM, IWXXM (AvXML) and FIXM.
AIM Fundamentals – a one day course designed for Air Traffic Management, Air Navigation Service Providers, aviation professionals, software engineers, data modellers, technical managers and team leaders looking for a technical introduction to AIXM, WXXM, IWXXM (AvXML) and FIXM, Geography Markup Language, OGC and ISO standards, and their relationship with AIM standards.
AIM Hands-On – a practical two day course designed for Air Traffic Management, Air Navigation Service Providers, aviation professionals, software engineers, data modellers, technical managers and system engineers who wish to understand AIM data exchange models, application schemas and extensions from a technical, hands-on perspective.
All Snowflake courses are offered at their brand new training facilities in Southampton, UK or as bespoke on-site training at your organisation's facility.
For more details head directly to Snowflake's Aviation training page for more information on each course. The Snowflake training team is available to answer any questions and help you with booking via or by calling +44 (0)2380 238 232.