Aerospace 2008 - The Way Forward
The Royal Aeronautical Society, London, UK
Event description
2008 sees the Centenary of British powered flight so it represents an appropriate point in the development of aviation to consider the strategic challenges that lay ahead. Those early pioneers could never have envisaged where their efforts would lead.
On the military front, air power has played a pivotal part in two World Wars, in the deterrence posture of the Cold War and in countless regional conflicts. Technology has hugely extended war- fighting capability but constraints have arisen from new areas such as information management and developments in international law. How will things have to change?
Yet technological development will continue to be vital in driving the aerospace and aviation business into its next century. Environmental issues are now to the fore but so are security concerns over the terrorist threat. Is research being focused in the right areas and are Governments doing enough to show leadership and underpin that leadership with funding?
The demand for civil air travel continues to grow but can we identify the limiting aspects of the future? If so, how should we react and what should the aviation and aerospace community be doing now?
This conference will lay some pathways for the future, a fitting tribute to those whose ingenuity, courage and determination have brought British aviation to where it is today.
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The Aeronautical Society
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