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ATSEP Training Workshop
Entry Point North - Nordic ATS Academy, Malmö-Sturup, Sweden

Event description

Growing needs in ATSEP training and many requests received from our courses participants, has inspired us to organise a first international workshop on training exclusively aimed at ATSEP professionals. The event will take place on the 24-25 April in Malmoe. The aim is to make this workshop interesting and beneficial for ATSEP professionals; therefore the preliminary agenda topics have been carefully selected in collaboration with ATSEPs from technical organisations, airports and ANSPs.

We strongly believe that this workshop will broaden the knowledge on the needs of ATSEP training generating many fruitful discussions and sharing of experience.

Day 1 - April 24, 12.00pm-5.00pm. Place: Entry Point North, Malmoe Airport
Overall focus -

Regulations on ATSEP training

- ATSEP training from regulations perspective
- “Grand Fathers right”
- Certification of ATSEP
- Plans for future ATSEP Training
- Comply with current Eurocontrol CCC guidelines or not?
- The upcoming implementation rules

Day 2 - April 25, 8.00pm-12.00pm. Place: Noble House hotel, Malmoe city.
Overall focus - ATSEP Training Methodology
- Course length versus course content depth
- E-learning versus classroom training - advantages and disadvantages
- Future challenges for ATSEP Training

The workshop, ground transportation, lunch and dinner on the first day are free of charge. Participants will have to cover only accommodation cost, which is 1160 SEK/night at the hotel where the workshop takes place on the second day. We will be happy to assist with the booking.

Please fill in the form to submit your registration. The number of seats for the event is limited, so we kindly request participants to book early and no later than 22nd of March. Participants will receive an email confirmation. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us

We look forward to meeting you at the ATSEP Workshop in Malmoe!

Event location

Entry Point North - Nordic ATS Academy Flygledningsvägen 2 230 32 Malmö-Sturup Sweden Europe

Tel: 46734054357 Fax: Sweden

Contact information

Entry Point North - Nordic ATS Academy Po Box 30 230 32 Malmö-Sturup Sweden Europe

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