*CANCELLED* 5th CANSO Asia Pacific ANSP Conference *CANCELLED*

Hua Hin, TH
Event description
Please note that the 5th CANSO Asia Pacific ANSP Conference in Hua Hin, Thailand has been cancelled for this year.
Although CANSO is satisfied that there is no personal risk to conference delegates attending the conference in Hua Hin, there is uncertainty surrounding the effects of further demonstrations, and the possibility of disrupted travel. The continuing advice from many countries discouraging travel to Thailand has also been a key factor in this decision.
Your registration will automatically be cancelled, and any registration fees will be reimbursed in the next few weeks.
We are sorry for any inconveniences caused, please do not hesitate to contact us at events@canso.org for any further assistance.
We look forward to welcoming you to next year's CANSO Asia Pacific Conference, scheduled for the second quarter of 2011. Latest event updates can be found on this page.