CANSO Global ATM Operations Conference

Event description
‘Delivering the Operational Challenges of Vision 2020’
CANSO - the Global Voice of ATM - is pleased to invite Aviation Operations Experts and ATM Industry Stakeholders to attend its 5th Global ATM Operations Conference on 6-7 March, 2014. Once again our conference will be held in Madrid immediately following the World ATM Congress.
This two day conference will have a wide range of operational information and contains at least two workshops on critical CANSO deliverables (Service Priority and Crossing FIR Boundaries). The tentative line up includes;
- Reports from the CANSO OSC committees and information on new sub-groups,
- An explanation of the new ICAO panel structure and how the CANSO OSC will fit into the ATM Operations and other work programmes,
- Interactive session on the ICAO Wake Turbulence Working Group activity,
A-CDM in action at CDG,
- Traffic Flow Management for High Visibility Events
- Briefing on the new CANSO publication,
ANSP Considerations for RPAS Operations
The programme, designed to align with CANSO’s Vision 2020 and the future of ATM as agreed by the aviation community during the ICAO 38th Assembly, will bring together operations experts from around the world to chart the way forward by participating in workshops and discussion groups that will chart the course for the OSC.