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China Aerospace Propulsion Technology Summit
Shanghai, AF

Event description

Official Host:
Shanxi Society of Aeronautics
Jiangxi Society of Aeronautics
Heilongjiang Society of Aeronautics
Liaoning Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Guizhou Liyang Aero Engine Co.,Ltd.

Steering Committee:
AVIC Xian Aero Engine
AVIC Harbin Dongan Aero Engine
AVIC Chengdu Aero Engine
AVIC Shenyang Liming Aero Engine
Support Organization:
Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Why attend:
Learn about the newest China policies and advanced aero engine manufacturing technologies
Save time and money with prescheduled one-to-one meetings with the solution providers of your choice that provide information
tailored to your needs.
Network with pre-qualified peers at a five-star resort and receive VIP treatment for this invitation-only event.
Source a strategic variety of industrial buyers over two well organized days of high-level keynote presentations and meetings with selected potential clients
Have a deeper understandings of the challenges that China aero engine manufacturing industry is currently facing and come up with
solutions to the market competition by seizing the industrial business opportunities

Event location

Shanghai Afghanistan af

Contact information

galleonevents Shanghai China as

victoria Send Email

86 21 51559030 86 21 51559049