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Civil Avionics Forum 2013
The Longemont Shanghai, Shanghai, Shanghai, CN

Event description

In 2013, China Avionics Forum 2013 will again have its grand opening in Shanghai. With AVIC CARERI, the very first and top research institute dedicated to leading the development of china avionics industry for 30 years and GE-AVIC JV project, Shanghai is developing rapidly into the heart of chinas avionics industry. The civil avionics industry of China has been driven by increasing demand from some major aircraft projects such as C919 and MA700. The focus has been transferred from the system integration level downstream to the tier 2 and tier 3 solutions as these projects further progress. This year, the magnificent festival for global avionics professionals in Asia, backed by a comprehensive programme of keynote speeches, panel discussions and site visits will welcome a grand gathering of 300+ industrial experts from Asia, Europe and America to discuss the development trend of leading commercial avionics system and equipment and to showcase the latest innovation of avionics system both domestic and abroad. With approximately 250 attendees last year, CAF 2013, the unique event serving china avionics industry will commit itself to being the platform and bridge of industrial communication, cooperation and innovation as always.

Event location

The Longemont Shanghai

The Longemont Shanghai Shanghai Shanghai China

Contact information


Galleon Shanghai China as

Victoria ZHANG Send Email

+86 21 51559030