CMAC Switzerland - Postponed

Event description
Upon seeing the impacts of sequestration and its effects on the air traffic community and aviation at large, the association has made a careful decision to postpone ATCA's Civil / Military Aviation Conference (CMAC) to next year.
Many of the key participants and panel speakers for CMAC are currently affected by sequestration and unable to travel as a result of its restrictions. As we do not want to host an event that does not provide the highest level of content and value our members have come to expect, it is most prudent to postpone CMAC until 2014.
CMAC's aim is to work collaboratively to solve issues in our respective national airspace and provide a meeting place for the world's leaders in both civil and military air traffic control to discuss common ground and best practices. We look forward to next year's CMAC event, when we can ensure a quality conference that achieves these objectives with full participation and perspective from global partners.
Event location

Intercontinental Hotel Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 7 1209 Geneva Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 919 39 39 Fax: +41 22 919 38 38
Contact information

ATCA 1101 King St, Suite 300 22314 Alexandria VA USA
Ken Carlisle Send Email
+1 703 299-2430 x310 + 1 703-299-2437