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Consolidated results from SESAR U-space research

Event description

As the drone service market continues to grow and take shape in Europe, the pressure is on to make sure that these air vehicles are safely and securely integrated into the airspace.

In 2017, the European Commission mandated the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU) to coordinate all research and development activities related to U-space and drone integration.

This webinar will present a consolidated view of the results from the SESAR JU’s 19 exploratory research and large-scale demonstration projects that addressed all aspects of drone operations, as well as the services and technological capabilities. This analysis will also be published in a report by the SESAR JU, which will be released on the day of the webinar.

The webinar will also highlight future research requirements and will provide the opportunity for participants to ask questions to our speakers:

  • Welcome and introduction, Florian Guillermet, SESAR JU
  • Moderator scene setting, Robin Garrity, SESAR JU
  • Delivering U2 services Andrew Hately, EUROCONTROL
  • Towards U3 maturity, Giancarlo Ferrara, EUROCONTROL
  • Future work, Ludovic Legros, SESAR JU
  • Questions and wrap up, Moderated by Robin Garrity, SESAR JU

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