FASTI Workshop
Skyguide HQ, Geneva, CH
Event description
The FASTI (First ATC Support Tools Implementation) Programme is now in the final phase of coordinating the implementation of such tools as Conflict Detection, Monitoring Aids and Electronic Coordination (SYSCO) on ECAC level. With new ATC systems or upgrades being deployed this year by a number of ANSPs, this is certainly a good time to bring together key ATC decision makers in order to present and discuss their experiences as well as the operational benefits achieved in implementing the FASTI tools. Furthermore, an exchange about the compatibility of the FASTI tools and concept with key initiatives such as SESAR and FABs is of utmost importance in regard to past and future business decisions.
In this context, EUROCONTROL Directorate Network Management is organising a workshop on the 29th and 30th November 2011, which will be hosted by skyguide in Geneva, Switzerland. This workshop is a unique opportunity for all of us in the European ANS industry to:
1. Evaluate what has been achieved and recognise how such tools are bringing tangible benefits to operations based on key experiences from ANSPs
2. Gain insight into and develop expectations for future concepts using FASTItype system support and the subsequent impact on operational capabilities
3. Understand the need for a local roadmap for ATC support tools to bridge identified operational gaps and enable the future implementation of SESAR and FABs.
In this context, EUROCONTROL Directorate Network Management is organising a workshop on the 29th and 30th November 2011, which will be hosted by skyguide in Geneva, Switzerland. This workshop is a unique opportunity for all of us in the European ANS industry to:
1. Evaluate what has been achieved and recognise how such tools are bringing tangible benefits to operations based on key experiences from ANSPs
2. Gain insight into and develop expectations for future concepts using FASTItype system support and the subsequent impact on operational capabilities
3. Understand the need for a local roadmap for ATC support tools to bridge identified operational gaps and enable the future implementation of SESAR and FABs.