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Greener airport operations

Event description

An aircraft’s journey starts and ends at the airport. This first webinar of the series on Smart and sustainable solutions for greener ATM will focus on SESAR solutions aiming to provide Europe’s airports with a greener, cleaner and quieter operating environment. More specifically, the webinar will showcase research from:

  • A completed exploratory research project – ATM4E - which explored the trade-offs between limiting the environmental impact of aviation at the local level (noise and local air quality around the airport) and at global level (climate change impacts).
  • The airport and airline perspective on greener aircraft taxiing research and the challenges their implementation poses from an ATM perspective, including the consideration of both one-engine and engine-off solutions
  • The ongoing SESAR funded MODUS exploratory research project, which will provide insight into the role the inter-modal view can play in reducing the overall impact of transport on climate and how ATM can support this transformation.

Introductory remarks

Philippe Lenne, Aviation Sustainability Programme Manager, SESAR JU

Trade-off between airport noise, local air quality and climate impact

Sigrun Matthes, Aviation Atmosphere Scientist, DLR

Greener aircraft taxiing

Giuseppe Pillirone, Flight Ops / ATM SESAR, Air France

Erik Derogee, Schiphol Airport Operational Manager, Schiphol

Flying, the multimodal way!

Annika Paul, Researcher, Bauhaus Luftfahrt

Moderated by Olivia Nunez, ATM Expert SESAR Joint Undertaking

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