India Airport Summit 2011

Event description
Currently, only 2% of India's population uses airplanes as a means of travel. With its expanding middle class, India knows that it is inevitable that air travel will increase, and is therefore is growing the number of airports by over 300 in the near future.
India Airport Summit 2011 will feature the most prominent industry leaders and government officials from across the globe providing informative and inspiring discussions pertaining to India's current needs and their ambitious future. India welcomes the international community to join this forum to discover new strategies and technologies that can assist in building state-of-the-art air infrastructures to accommodate the domestic and international market.
Topics to be addressed:
- Airport Expansion in India: An Overview of the Market
- Effect of the Economy on the Aviation Market Where are the Future Opportunities?
- Role of Non-Aeronautical Revenue on Airport Business
- Solutions for Airport Congestion Issues: Brown Field or Green Field?
- Airport Expansion as a Catalyst for Economic Growth
- Successful Airport Expansion Projects
- Airport Development Strategies Enhancing Economic and Community Growth
- Total Airport Management System: Using Airport Automation to Maximize ROI
- Achieving Low Carbon Sustainable Solutions for Airport Expansion Projects
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- A platform to position your company as a thought-leader on trends and issues in your industry
- An ability to network with various decision makers that will expand your business potential in a highly competitive marketplace
- A cutting edge 2-day conference featuring the industry's leading experts and government representatives
- The most comprehensive and data-oriented conferences throughout India offering tools, tips, techniques and key industry contacts
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