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Information Session on SESAR 3 JU
Virtual Event

Event description

The SESAR JU, in collaboration with DG MOVE, is organising an online information session aimed at providing all interested parties an opportunity to learn about the state of preparations for the future Digital European Sky programme and the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking, which is expected to be launched at the end of this year.

The session will provide an overview of the objectives of this process, the legal basis for this activity (so called Single Basic Act) as well as explore the activities planned under the new programme.

All these steps will build on the success and the momentum generated by the SESAR Joint Undertaking to deliver the Digital European Sky, making air transport smarter, more sustainable, connected and accessible to all airspace users, including new entrants.

The event will be open to all but is specifically targeted to those organisations who have not been listed in the Annex III of the draft Single Basic Act as the potential future founding members of the SESAR 3 JU.

More information and a full agenda will be provided shortly. In the meantime, we invite you to register for this virtual event on the SESAR JU website.

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Virtual Event

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