METEOREX 2014 / Earth Remote Sensing 2014 International Exhibitions

Event description
METEOREX is the world’s largest and most important exhibition in the field of hydrometeorology, hydrology, environmental monitoring and related areas, taking place every few years in different countries. METEOREX is the only exhibition that brings together top officials and instruments / observation methods experts, representing National Hydrometeorological Services of all WMO member countries.
METEOREX 2014 will take place in the same time and in conjunction with World Meteorological Organization’s Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observations (TECO), organized by WMO Commission on Instruments and Methods of Observations (CIMO), which will hold its 16th Session on 10-16 July. Official delegations from WMO member countries will come to St. Petersburg for WMO TECO and CIMO, and all CIMO/TECO delegates will attend METEOREX 2014.
METEOREX 2014 will be timed to the 7th Russian National Meteorological Congress, organized by Roshydromet – Federal Service of Russian Federation on Hydrometeorology and Environmental monitoring.
The Congress, taking place every few years, unites professionals and decision makers in the field of hydrometeorology, hydrology and environmental monitoring from all regions of Russian Federation, as well as consumers of hydrometeorological information in all of the weather dependent sectors of economy and related governmental agencies: transportation, industry, agriculture, energy, construction, forestry, ecology, natural resources, emergency services, military and law enforcement, municipalities, public health, tourism, and etc.
Technical modernization of Roshydromet is underway! One of the most important objectives for METEOREX 2014 in St. Petersburg is to showcase the latest in hydrometeorological technology for the second installment of technical modernization program of Roshydromet, co-financed by World Bank – the Second National Hydromet Modernization Project for Russian Federation, worth 139.5 million USD. The project activities will focus on capacity building, infrastructure system enhancement, and quality of service delivery.
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2ndInternational Exhibition and Conference “Earth Remote Sensing” (ERS 2014) will be organized jointly with METEOREX 2014, co-hosted by the Federal Space Agency of Russian Federation (Roscosmos).METEOREX is the perfect platform for the specialized ERS exhibition, bringing together consumers from all areas of application of Earth remote sensing products and services.
METEOREX 2014 and ERS 2014, WMO TECO/CIMO and the Russian National Meteorological Congress (as well as some additional conferences, seminars and presentations, which are currently in the planning), together will constitute an absolutely unique and largest ever event in history of hydrometeorology worldwide.
It is noteworthy that similar to all of the hydrometeorological exhibitions previously held in Russia, the full range of hydrometeorological services will be presented at METEOREX 2014. Russian and CIS hydro-meteorological organizations will introduce their services to enterprises of all sectors of the economy and to the government.
Taking part in METEOREX 2014 is the truly unique chance to present products and services directly to potential buyers in the global hydrometeorological community, to Russian and CIS hydrometeorological establishments, and to their clients - consumers of hydrometeorological information, in the world’s fastest growing hydrometeorological markets of Russia and CIS countries.
The organizers welcome manufacturers and suppliers of instruments, systems, equipment and services for hydrometeorology, hydrology, environmental monitoring, associated products and services, as well as Earth remote sensing products and services, to take part in the METEOREX 2014 and ERS 2014.
METEOREX 2014 is very pleased to welcome you to magnificent St. Petersburg, one of the world’s most beautiful cities, which will make your stay an unforgettable experience!
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