Mission Planning

Copthorne Tara Hotel, London, UK
Event description
This event will bring together a unique group of users to share lessons learned from operational exercises and the requirements for mission planning systems in complex and urban environments.
Attend and hear the latest updates on:
? US Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS)
? NATOs Air Command and Control System (NATO ACCS)
? Multinational Experiment 5 (MNE5)
The presentations will address how the US Army is Mapping the Human Terrain to support counter insurgency, lessons learned from Effects Based Planning, and operational experiences from international battle groups.
Our expert panel of speakers includes:
Colonel Gilbert Botella, Operational Consistency Officer and capability manager, French Joint Defence Staff
Colonel Kurt B Hansen, G-5 Division Chief , Multinational Corps Northeast
Colonel JD Partain, Deputy Group Commander (Mission Planning Systems), 951st Electronic Systems Group, US Air Force
Colonel (Ret'd) Keith Maxwell, Branch Chief, Requirements and Architecture Branch, Planning and Architecture Division, NATO Air Command and Control System Management Agency (NACMA)
Lieutenant Colonel Rainer Schulte, Response Force Operations Command (RFOC), German Army
Lieutenant Colonel Neil Stevens, Chief, G6 Operations and Plans, 1st German/Netherlands Corps.
In addition why not attend our associated pre-conference Workshop?
Mission Planning in a Coalition Environment
3rd June 2008, Copthorne Tara Hotel, London, UK
Lead by Major General George B. Harrison of USAF (Retd), this interactive workshop is designed to help you learn about the international challenges of planning in complex environments.
Topics will include:
? Challenges of interoperability and standardisation
? Automated mission planning
? Evolution of mission planning systems
? Training for automated mission planning
? Responding to advances in technology
For more information or to book your place online visit: www.smi-online.co.uk/08missionplanning10.asp
Alternatively contact Yasir Ansari on +44 (0) 20 7827 6164 or email yansari@smi-online.co.uk
Contact information
Yasir Ansari
Yasir Ansari Afghanistan af