Ops Conference 2013

Event description
With economic globalization and increasing travel demand, up to a two-fold increase in air traffic is projected for Europe within the next 20 years. To support this expected growth, a seamless and modern air transport system is required that improves safety performance, enables greater capacity and reduces the cost of ATM services as well as effects on the environment.
The Single European Sky (SES) initiative is the answer. But can the air transport sector share a vision to inspire member states to deliver on the promise of SES?
Find out at this special SES Plenary Session April 17, from 8:30 - 10:00. Join us for a special Plenary Session to discuss and debate the essential reforms required to deliver the Single European Sky; a binding performance scheme, institutional rationalization and ATM modernization.
Meet with Industry Leaders
Moderated by Peter Curran, Assistant Director Infrastructure, IATA, key SES panel members will include Frank Brenner, Director General, Eurocontrol, Jeff Poole, Director General, CANSO and Juergen Raps, Executive Vice President Operations, Lufthansa. Key representatives will also participate from Skyguide, DG MOVE, European Commission, the SESAR Joint Undertaking and IFATCA.