Space Solutions for Aviation Delivering operational benefits
Central Hall Westminster conference centre, London, UK
Event description
A session dedicated to aviation to take place during of the European Space Solutions Conference (3-5 December), London
- Chairperson: Nick McFarlane, Managing Director, Helios
- Keynote speaker: Pascal Barret, Directorate Single Sky, Eurocontrol Space technologies have become crucial enablers to all aspects of aviation, both ground and airborne. Already a mature user of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) technology, aviations dependence on space is expected to grow as more applications are developed to support operations on the ground and in the air.
The aviation session will present a user perspective of applications already delivering benefits for aerodromes and aircraft operators, and will explore future application and technology evolutions. The event will provide operators, air navigation service providers, aerodromes and industry a unique opportunity to discuss:
- Chairperson: Nick McFarlane, Managing Director, Helios
- Keynote speaker: Pascal Barret, Directorate Single Sky, Eurocontrol Space technologies have become crucial enablers to all aspects of aviation, both ground and airborne. Already a mature user of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) technology, aviations dependence on space is expected to grow as more applications are developed to support operations on the ground and in the air.
The aviation session will present a user perspective of applications already delivering benefits for aerodromes and aircraft operators, and will explore future application and technology evolutions. The event will provide operators, air navigation service providers, aerodromes and industry a unique opportunity to discuss:
- the industrys current and continuing dependence on GNSS
- the key areas where aviation is already benefiting from GNSS
- proposals for areas where further research, integration or development is needed to realise increased benefits
- Navigation
- Communication
- Surveillance
- Earth Observation
conference website
.Contact information
European GNSS Agency (GSA)
European GNSS Agency (GSA) Belgium eu
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