Volcanic Ash Crisis 2010

University of Belgrade Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering, Belgrade, SS
Event description
The Seminar is hosted by the Division of Airports and Air Traffic Safety, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, University of Belgrade (http://apatc.sf.bg.ac.rs), supported by EUROCONTROL (www.eurocontrol.int).
The seminar will cover the effect of the 2010 volcanic eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland on air traffic from the perspective of airlines, air navigation service providers, aviation meteorologists, EUROCONTROL/CFMU. The seminar is intended for professionals from airlines, air navigation service providers, airports, civil aviation authorities, meteorological offices, international organizations, as well as for academic staff and students having an interest in aviation.
Speakers include:
Brian Flynn (EUROCONTROL, CFMU, Deputy Head Network Operations Division)
Sigurleifur Kristjánsson (Isavia (Iceland ANSP), Manager Airspace and Procedures)
Cruz Garcia (EUROCONTROL, CFMU, Network Operations Portal Manager)
Anton Muscat (Met Office, London VAAC Operations Manager)
Paula Leal de Matos (EUROCONTROL, CND, Business Case Team Leader)
Eme Tilema (KLM, Deputy Vice-President ATM)
Žarko Sivčev (EUROCONTROL, CFMU, Network Operations volcanic ash expert)
Ken McLean (IATA, Regional Director Europe, Safety Operations and Infrastructure)
The seminar will be chaired by Professor Vojin Tošić, Head of Division of Airports and Air Traffic Safety.
Event location
Contact information
University of Belgrade
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