Airbus ProSky

Visiting address
Postal address
1 Rond-Point Maurice Bellonte
Blagnac Cedex , 31707
Tel +33 (0)561933333
Fax +33 (0)582050000
Company information
Airbus ProSky is dedicated to increasing the performance of Air Traffic Management (ATM) throughout the world. While the general public typically views ATM transformation as a sweeping set of technological changes in Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) infrastructure, the transformation must run deeper and further if we are truly going to support safe and environmentally sustainable air transportation growth for the next decade and beyond.
This transformation must extend not only beyond political and geographic boundaries, but also beyond the traditional lines of separation among ATM suppliers, users and stakeholders. The themes of collaboration must run both technologically and culturally through the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), EUROCONTROL’s Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) and global ATM programs. Clearly, the future ATM system brings a new model of collaboration between ground-based and airborne capabilities that was not possible in the past. Airbus ProSky is dedicated to supporting Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) and the communication between all stakeholders for the benefit of the total system.
Committed to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Aviation Block Upgrade approach, Airbus ProSky provides services, solutions and capabilities dedicated to achieving better ATM performance rapidly and seamlessly, tailored to each ANSP, airline and airport’s needs. Airbus ProSky understands that this approach will bring greater harmonization of modernization efforts, and help provide objectives that rapidly maximize Return on Investment (ROI).
Airbus ProSky aims to partner with the world’s ANSPs, airlines, airports, supplier organizations and industry groups to enhance ATM performance. The Airbus ProSky Alliance members Metron Aviation, Quovadis and ATRiCS, supply solutions and services for global harmonization and share the responsibility of transforming the ATM system, hand-in-hand with customers and partners.
Company information
- ATM systems
- Consulting