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BECKER Avionics Inc.

Visiting address

10376 USA Today Way

FL 33025


Postal address

10376 USA Today Way

Miramar , FL 33025

United States


Tel +1 (954) 450-3137

Company information

Becker Avionics, Inc. (BAI) is an efficient electronics company engaged in the production, installation, servicing and sales of equipment and systems for the aviation markets. Becker Avionics, Inc. is part of the Becker group, which has its headquarters at Becker Flugfunkwerk GmbH (BFW) in the Baden Airpark, Germany. Members of the Becker group also include Deutsche Luftfahrt Elektronik GmbH (DLE) in the Baden Airpark, Becker Electronique (BE) in France, Becker Taiwan, Becker Poland and Becker do Brazil Ltda. Max Egon Becker founded BFW in 1956. By 1960 he developed the first fully transistorised aircraft radio receiver and marketing the first transistorised multi-channel aircraft radio shortly after. After more than forty years, a full range of communication and navigation equipment has been established and is used worldwide in both military and civil aircrafts, characterized by lightweight, small dimensions, easy operation and little maintenance requirements. Under the leadership of Roland Becker, son of the founder, Becker has continued developing leading-edge technology equipment, delivering GPS-based navigation systems, colour LCD-based systems and innovative equipment for Air Traffic Control (ATC) and Search And Rescue (SAR). Becker Avionics, Inc. is very active in serving governmental contracts to organizations like the US Navy, the Egyptian Navy, and others, with more than 130 VHF AM/FM ground (base) stations delivered during the last two years. Becker Avionics, Inc. is committed to high-quality production, installation, servicing and sales processes, in order to properly serve the avionics market of North and South America, and is currently ISO 9001-2000 certified. Becker Avionics, Inc. is also a certified FAA/JAA Repair Station (No. B6NR431N).

Company information

Headquarters location 10376 USA Today Way
FL 33025
Some facts
Founded in
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Company Size


  • Avionics
  • Navigation Aids
  • Research and Development