Visiting address
Lageweg 16
Postal address
PO Box: 3072
Katwijk , 2220CB
Tel +31 71 4025514
Fax +31 71 4025078
Company information
CHL (Christiaan Huygens Laboratorium) is an independent designer and producer of Sophisticated radar antenna systems and microwave sensors. We work for a wide variety of companies, combining sixty years of experience with state-of-the-art know-how. You can find our products on airports around the world.
Our products perform outstandingly and are built to last. We adhere to strict standards and deliver products that have been thoroughly tested and/ or measured. The performance of our products exceeds the specification values that we guarantee.
Our products perform outstandingly and are built to last. We adhere to strict standards and deliver products that have been thoroughly tested and/ or measured. The performance of our products exceeds the specification values that we guarantee.
Company information
Headquarters location
Lageweg 16
2222AG Katwijk
2222AG Katwijk
Some facts
- ATM systems
- Radars / Surveillance Systems
- Surface Movement Radar