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Flight Training Europe Jerez (FTEJerez)

Visiting address

Jerez de la Frontera

Postal address

Aeropuerto de Jerez, Base Aérea La Parra

Jerez de la Frontera - Cádiz , 11401



Tel 0034 956 317800

Fax 0034 956 182433

Company information

FTEJerez is a dedicated aviation and airline pilot training academy with a long history of successfully training ab initio pilots to be the present and future captains for a wide range of prominent airlines such as Aer Lingus, British Airways, BA City Flyer, Cityjet, Emirates, Flybe, MEA, Qatar Airways, Thomas Cook and many more!

Your selection of the right training establishment is as important as your decision to become a pilot. We believe that FTEJerez has the essential elements that you, as an aspiring pilot, should be looking for in an organisation to be entrusted with your training: the right environment, equipment, facilities, expertise and experience.

Our site will tell you more about our pedigree, the courses and quality training we offer and what you can expect from us. We also trust that it will show you why FTEJerez is held in such high regard by the aviation industry and why we are so proud of our academy and what we represent.

We would love to hear from you – whether you want to be an airline pilot or air traffic controller, our team stands ready to assist you in taking this important step towards realising your dream!

Company information

Headquarters location
Jerez de la Frontera
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Training