Visiting address

Khalifa business Complex, Street 54, Building 22, Mezza Level

Abu Dhabi

Postal address

Khalifa business Complex, Street 54, Building 22, Mezza Level

Abu Dhabi



Tel +971 (0) 2 556 5233

Company information

Global Air Navigation Services (GANS) is a leading provider of professional Air Navigation Services in the United Arab Emirates, with services provided to 15 of the 19 airports in the UAE, including Abu Dhabi International Airport. GANS handles close to 500,000 air traffic movements annually.

GANS provides end to end Air Navigation Services which encompass;

  • Air Traffic Services 
  • Aeronautical Information Services 
  • Engineering and Maintenance 
  • Safety Management, Quality Management, Risk Management 
  • Cnsultancy and Project Management 
  • ANS Training at its own aviation training facility

GANS training centre located in the Abu Dhabi Emirates, is an innovative training centre that embraces modern training techniques and equips trainees with skills needed for the 21st century – communication, collaboration, critical thinking and problem-solving.

Since our establishment in 2009, we have trained almost 3000 aviation professionals from various places in the world. Our instructors have up-to-date skills in teaching strategies and are conversant with studentcentred, individualised training techniques which ensure trainee engagement and enhance learning.

The training centre is ICAO’s Regional Training Centre of Excellence for air navigation services training and offers a range of ICAO approved air traffic control courses as well as OJTI, examiner, supervisor and facility chief courses in accordance with international standards and regulations. Additionally, courses can be tailored to each clients’ specific training requirements and local regulations while our transportable options enable us to deliver training to any customer location.

Beyond ANS training, we have the facility to teach general and aviation English; and to conduct English language proficiency testing for ATCs and pilots. GANS training centre has a team of highly qualified language and operational instructors with experience from Europe, North America, Asia and Australasia.

Courses are competitively priced and the training centre is located in an area with a low cost of living. Brilliant aviation careers start with a qualification from GANS training centre!

Company information

Headquarters location Khalifa business Complex, Street 54, Building 22, Mezza Level
Abu Dhabi
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by

Yas Holding

Company Size
900 employees (50% Emirati)