ATC Network is the leading online platform for ATC Professionals worldwide

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What is ATC Network?

IBL Software Engineering

Visiting address

Galvaniho 17/C



Postal address

Galvaniho 17/C

Bratislava , 82104



Tel +421-2-32662111

Fax +421-2-32662110

Company information

IBL Software Engineering is one of the leading companies providing meteorological communication systems. Our primary customers are aeronautical and meteorological organizations worldwide. IBL offers its customers advanced tools for monitoring, analyzing and visualizing meteorological data.

IBL Software Engineering provides complex software solutions built upon various fully interoperable systems: Visual Weather for visualizing meteorological data;Moving Weather for the automated message/file exchange; Aero Weather for easy access to complete pre-flight documentation; Discover Weather as the WIS portal; Talking Weather for the ATIS/VOLMET broadcasting; Online Weather for web-based customer services.

The systems are able to cooperate with other systems as well as establish the meteorological networking environment to connect a meteorological office to the AFTN and GTS networks, observing stations, automatic weather stations (AWS), doppler radar facilities, satellite receivers, and others.

Company information

Headquarters location Galvaniho 17/C
82104 Bratislava
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size


  • Meteorological Systems
  • Software