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Visiting address

17 avenue Didier Daurat - BP 10051 Immeuble Socrate


Blagnac Cedex

Postal address

PO Box: BP 10051

17 avenue Didier Daurat - BP 10051 Immeuble Socrate

Blagnac Cedex , 31702



Tel +33 5 67 31 00 00

Fax +33 5 67 31 00 05

Company information

In order to successfully bridge the gap between an RNP capable aircraft and the start of RNP operations, Airbus launched a Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) dedicated and experienced subsidiary company, Quovadis. 

Launched in the Summer of 2009, Quovadis is a 100% Airbus owned Company.  Based in Toulouse (France), Quovadis designs and implements Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) solutions for Operators, Airports and Aviation Authorities worldwide.

The Quovadis Way is a strong and innovative answer to comply with RNP operational and certification requirements in order to gain operational approval, ensuring deployment of RNP flight operations and maximizing the benefits of future flight operations. 

Quovadis provides a full service to Operators, Airports and Aviation Authorities. Quovadis, in conjunction with Airbus has been deeply engaged in the development of RNP implementation.

Company information

Headquarters location 17 avenue Didier Daurat - BP 10051 Immeuble Socrate
31702 Blagnac Cedex
Some facts
Founded in
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Company Size


  • Satellite Navigation Systems