ATC Network is the leading online platform for ATC Professionals worldwide

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What is ATC Network?

Searidge Technologies

Visiting address

60 Camelot Drive

Ontario K2G 5X8


Postal address

60 Camelot Drive

Ottawa , Ontario K2G 5X8



Tel +1 613.686.3988

Company information

Searidge develops innovative technology to improve safety and efficiency in the aviation market. With technology at over 35 sites in 25 countries, we are a global leader and preferred partner for Digital Towers and Advanced Airport solutions. Through operational enhancements, collaboration, AI and automation, our team helps our customers proactively transform the way they offer and deliver services to meet changing demands.

Company information

Headquarters location 60 Camelot Drive
Ontario K2G 5X8
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by

Moodie Cheikh, Co-Founder & CEO

Alex Sauriol, Co-Founder

Company Size
100 employees


  • ATM systems
  • Other
  • Radars / Surveillance Systems
  • Runway Surveillance Systems