SESAR Joint Undertaking

Visiting address
Avenue de Cortenberg, 100
Postal address
Avenue de Cortenberg, 100
Brussels , 1000
Tel +32 2 507 8000
Fax +32 2 507 800
Company information
The SESAR programme is the operational and technological answer to the major challenges of European air traffic growth. The aim of the SESAR Joint Undertaking is to ensure the modernisation of the European air traffic management system by coordinating and concentrating all relevant research and development efforts in the European Union. Partnership, sustainability and user-drive are key concepts of the SESAR Joint Undertaking approach.
Founded by the European Commission and by Eurocontrol, fifteen companies are direct members of the SESAR JU: Aena, Airbus, Alenia Aeronautica, the DFS, the DSNA, ENAV, Frequentis, Honeywell, INDRA, NATMIG, NATS (En Route) Limited, NORACON, SEAC, SELEX Sistemi Integrati and Thales. New associate partners have recently joined the SESAR family: Avtech, Belgocontrol, Boeing, Consortium LVNL, Nav Portugal, ONDA, Lockheed Martin, NATS Services, PANSA, SEA Aeroporti di Milano, Skyguide, Thales Raytheon Systems and Thales Australia.
Founded by the European Commission and by Eurocontrol, fifteen companies are direct members of the SESAR JU: Aena, Airbus, Alenia Aeronautica, the DFS, the DSNA, ENAV, Frequentis, Honeywell, INDRA, NATMIG, NATS (En Route) Limited, NORACON, SEAC, SELEX Sistemi Integrati and Thales. New associate partners have recently joined the SESAR family: Avtech, Belgocontrol, Boeing, Consortium LVNL, Nav Portugal, ONDA, Lockheed Martin, NATS Services, PANSA, SEA Aeroporti di Milano, Skyguide, Thales Raytheon Systems and Thales Australia.
Company information
Headquarters location
Avenue de Cortenberg, 100
1000 Brussels
1000 Brussels
Some facts