Snowflake Software

Visiting address
Snowflake Software Alleyn House 23-27 Carlton Crescent
Hampshire SO15 2EU
Postal address
Snowflake Software Alleyn House 23-27 Carlton Crescent
Southampton , Hampshire SO15 2EU
Tel 0044 (0) 23 8023 8232
Fax 0044 (0) 23 8023 8233
Company information
Snowflake Software provide solutions for modernising Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) in line with the US NextGen and European SESAR JU frameworks.
We combine our Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) software, consultancy and training to provide you with a complete solution for net-centric data exchange.
With our solutions you can:
oad and manage AIXM5, AIXM 5.1 and WXXM 1.1.1 into your existing databaseP
ublish AIXM5, AIXM 5.1and WXXM 1.1.1 from your existing database as web servicesP
ublish Digital NOTAM to Event Services for push notification NOTAM messagesV
isualise aeronautical information in 4D consumer mapping applications such as Google and Bing MapsK
now your unknowns though using our consultancy service to build an AIM proof of conceptG
et trained on GML to help you understand the underlying standard from which AIXM, NOTAM and WXXM are derived
Whether you require part of our solution or the complete picture, our proven and enterprise ready software enables you to realise the benefits of AIM by 'wrapping' your existing infrastructure.
Company information
Headquarters location
Snowflake Software
Alleyn House
23-27 Carlton Crescent
Hampshire SO15 2EU
Hampshire SO15 2EU
Some facts
- ATM systems
- Other
- Research and Development
- Software
- Training