Air Traffic booming by 2020 is forecasted by all stakeholders & Major Airports will approach their ultimate Capacity with increasing delays.
Wake Vortex Separation is in most cases the limiting factor to Runway capacity.
Based on innovative approach and focused on Airport benefits, Thales has developed from Approach to Runway solutions to mitigate the impact of Wake-Vortex that optimize the Arrival / Departure sequences (depending on the environmental conditions & local traffic mix), reduce separation minima while ensuring the right level of safety and ensure the optimum Aircraft separation to the runway.
Thales has designed and validated global capacity/safety solutions: a WVDSS (Wake-Vortex Decision Support System) including Safety -- Nets, Adaptation of MAESTRO AMAN/DMAN sequencer algorithm with RECAT constraints, new generation operational multifunction x-band and lidar sensors for wind hazards monitoring on airport and Wake-Vortex studies & Simulation (Capacity Gain Analysis, Feasibility study, Simulation with ScanSim).