ADPI signs a Partnership Agreement with ASECNA

ADPI signs a Partnership Agreement with ASECNA (Agence pour la Sécurité de la Navigation Aérienne en Afrique et à Madagascar).
In charge of airspace representing 1.5 times of Europe, bringing together 17 states, ASECNA provides design, implementation and management of all air navigation facilities (traffic en route, approach and aerodromes). ASECNA also operates some airports and terminals by state delegation. ASECNA has its own engineering office, about 100 people and began an internal process improvement methods of procurement for which ADPI will provide quality support.
On 1st December, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between leaders following preparatory meetings in Dakar.
This agreement is to define the framework for cooperation that will allow cooperation between the engineering office of ASECNA and ADPI, and promote the exchange of information, experience and expertise in various fields (joint participation to calls for proposals, purchase of goods or services, studies, audits, training ...).
On 1st December, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between leaders following preparatory meetings in Dakar.
This agreement is to define the framework for cooperation that will allow cooperation between the engineering office of ASECNA and ADPI, and promote the exchange of information, experience and expertise in various fields (joint participation to calls for proposals, purchase of goods or services, studies, audits, training ...).
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