Azeraeronavigation and Aireon Sign Agreement to Study Use of Air Traffic Flow Management

- Baku, Azerbaijan.

Signaling a continued commitment to industry collaboration in the name of operational safety, Azeraeronavigation (AZANS), the air navigation service provider of the Azerbaijan Republic, signed a collaboration agreement with Aireon, the leading provider of aviation data products and services, to study the use of enhanced air traffic flow management technologies in the region.

Aireon, working in collaboration with AZANS and Metron Aviation, will provide its AireonFLOW ATFM data stream for integration into Metron Aviation’s Horizon System in Azerbaijan.

The combination of the two systems allows for continuous global satellite-derived ADS-B position reports and will extend the visibility of AZANS flights outside its airspace. Further, this complete solution will assist AZANS to more accurately predict traffic flows into its airspace and airports for ATFM implementation which will improve and maintain a high level of safety and efficiency, and reduce fuel consumption and operating costs, as well as pilot and ATC workload.

AZANS signed on for Aireon’s automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ADS-B) data for air traffic surveillance in 2022. The airspace of the Azerbaijan Republic is 165,400 sq. km, 86,600 of which is over land and 78,800 sq. km is above the Caspian Sea. The length route network within the airspace of Azerbaijan Republic amounts to around 11,000 km.

“The AireonFLOW data, combined with a robust ATFM platform from Metron Aviation, will provide unprecedented visibility into traffic flows. We look forward to our continue collaboration with AZANS as they investigate this technology,” said Peter Cabooter, Aireon Vice President of Customer Affairs.

The Metron Aviation’s Horizon System provides common situational awareness for monitoring air traffic demand and capacity, enabling strategic, pre-tactical, and tactical predictions for airports and airspaces.


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