Airtel ATN announces that ANS CR has successfully deployed its CPDLC Data Link Server

Airtel ATN, dedicated to the development of communications software for the Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN), has announced that ANS CR, the ANSP responsible for managing the Czech Republic air traffic services has successfully deployed and completed site acceptance testing of Airtel ATN's Air/Ground Data Link Server (AGDLS) together with Airtel ATN Routers to meet the CPDLC EU mandate.
The AGDLS is responsible for handling all Data Link communications for an Air Traffic Control (ATC) centre. Data Link communications is an encoded text messaging service between Air Traffic Controllers and pilots. It is used to communicate standard messages such as weather,
aircraft microphone check and air traffic clearance and, with its implementation, will free up the existing voice airways for more complex instructions.
"Airtel ATN was easily able to integrate its AGDLS with our existing Air Traffic Control systems thanks to the flexible architecture," said Vladimir Cizek, CPDLC Project Manager, ANS CR. "Customisation and implementation was complete in a very short timeframe."
ANS CR is also using Airtel ATN's Air Manual Tool (AMT-ATN) and Ground Validation Suite (GVS) to run acceptance and regression tests. Factory acceptance testing commenced at the end of January with site acceptance testing completed successfully in the middle of February.
Frank O'Connor, CEO Airtel ATN said: "Controller Pilot Data Link Communications will be used across Europe from 2015. Whilst the deadline has been extended to 2018, ANS CR is planning to deploy in 2015."
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