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Airways Appoints New CEO: Ed Sims

Airways Corporation of New Zealand is pleased to announce the appointment of Ed Sims to the role of CEO. His appointment follows the resignation of Ashley Smout in February 2011.
Mr Sims brings to the role 26 years experience in the aviation, tourism and hospitality industries; most recently as Group General Manager International for Air New Zealand. His extensive expertise in leadership, innovation, offshore sales and marketing, operations and change management will support Airways increasing presence in the international marketplace and its continued delivery of a safe and efficient network in New Zealand.

We are delighted to have appointed someone of Ed Sims calibre said Airways Board Chairman, Con Anastasiou. Ed is internationally known and respected. His established network of industry relationships will enable Airways to realise its vision of being a key player in the provision of global air navigation products and services.

Mr Sims appointment will commence on Monday 4 July 2011 and he will be based at Airways Head Office in Wellington.


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