Airways partnership to extend ATC training in Puerto Rico

The Inter American University of Puerto Rico (UIPR) has signed a Heads of Agreement with Airways New Zealand for the establishment of an Air Traffic Control training campus in Puerto Rico.
The agreement, announced today at World ATM Congress in Madrid, will see renowned aviation training organisation Airways providing ATC ab-initio, air traffic services operations and air traffic management courses at the university.
UIPR is one of the largest private universities in the western hemisphere, with a dedicated School of Aeronautics on its Bayamón campus. It is the only aviation institution in Latin America with a Professional Pilot Programme accredited by the Aviation Accreditation Board International.
Chancellor Juan F. Martínez says that partnering with Airways allows the university to further improve its specialised course delivery and technologies.
“Collaboration with Airways provides UIPR with a proven set of courses and courseware which enables us to provide world-class training to the next generation of air traffic management professionals,” he says. “Our students will love the realism of Airways state-of-the-art Total Control simulators, and we’re very impressed with the calibre of the courseware and operational personnel,” Mr Martínez says.
Airways Head of Training, Sharon Cooke, explains that the first intake of trainees is expected as soon as August this year.
“Our Airways team are very practised at establishing and running training programmes internationally, with a team currently working with Emirates Aviation College in Dubai,” says Ms Cooke.
Airways will provide a full ATC training solution for UIPR, including management and operation of the training facility, teaching resources, aerodrome and radar simulators, training support and quality assurance systems.
Representatives from UIPR joined Airways on the Airways stand at the ATM World Congress in Madrid today to discuss the joint venture with media and industry.
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