AMADEUS passed Site Acceptance Tests

Site acceptance certificate for the Amsterdam Message And Data Switch (AMADEUS) signed in March. System to be taken into operational service by summer 2009.
AMSTERDAM/THE NETHERLANDS, April 2009 In March Germany-based COMSOFT and Air Traffic Control the Netherlands (LVNL) signed the site acceptance certificate for LVNL's new message handling system. The Dutch ANSP is all set to migrate its ATS messaging operations in Amsterdam from AFTN/CIDIN to AMHS.
COMSOFT has provided LVNL with its latest generation message handling system AIDA-NG that is fully compliant to the ICAO messaging standards for AFTN, CIDIN, AMHS, and OLDI/FMTP. For the last 15 years, the LVNL has been operating the German ATC expert's very first message handling system AIDA and is now ready to transfer operational services to the new generation.
Throughout the entire project cycle the systems design and implementation have been extensively inspected and tested, in order to confirm the continued compliance of the system with the functional requirements. System safety plays an increasingly dominant role in the design of ATM systems and thus the new system had to prove its compliance to the EUROCONTROL Safety Regulatory Requirement (ESARR). The site acceptance is the final important milestone before operational services can successively be transferred from the current to the new system which is scheduled for June.
The replacement of LVNL's current CIDIN/AFTN system accommodates the Dutch organization's objective to cope with future growing demands on air traffic management. COMSOFT will be glad to accompany LVNL again through another long and safe era of service with the new generation of AIDA.
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