ANS Czech Republic and BULATSA Entrusted COMSOFT with ARTAS Implementation

The air navigation service providers ANS Czech Republic and BULATSA engage COMSOFTs ARTAS (ATM suRveillance Tracker and Server) services.
PRAGUE/CZECH REPUBLIC, SOFIA/BULGARIA, October 2010 The Air Navigation Services of the Czech Republic (ANS CR) and their Bulgarian counterpart, Bulgarian Air Traffic Services Authority (BULATSA) ordered new ARTAS components to be integrated by COMSOFT. While BULATSA inked an agreement for the delivery of two ARTAS Linux G5 platforms of the best-established surveillance data processing system in Europe, ANS CR opted for an upgrade to ARTAS V8A on G6 of their existing solution in Prague. Both air navigation service providers intend to fully incorporate the systems into their operational environment by the end of the year.
COMSOFT provides the ARTAS hardware and software components to both parties, as well as a services package including software installation & configuration, on-site installation & integration and site acceptance testing. Additionally, both administrations will receive a fine tuning package allowing for advanced assessment and analysis of the ARTAS tracking functions together with the involved radar, ADS-B and multilateration data sources. Furthermore, it includes the in-depth introduction of participating staff members into detailed tracker evaluation procedures.
ARTAS is Europes most prevalent surveillance data processing system and employed in the majority of its ATC centres. The German surveillance expert COMSOFT has rendered the ARTAS related CAMOS (Centralised ARTAS Maintenance & Operational Support) service on behalf of EUROCONTROL since 2001. Besides the handling of trouble reports and the integration of change requests, the service also includes turnkey installations, training on any expert level, on-site software maintenance and support, briefly any assistance of users that guarantees the continued success with their system.
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