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ATC Network approved as news source for Google News

The ATC Network is pleased to announce it has been approved as an official news source for Air Traffic Control News by Google News.
The approval means that all news, press releases found on the ATC Network will be automatically indexed within the Google's News pages. ATC Network joins such esteemed publications as Flight International, New York Times and Aviation Week in becoming a selected source for the search engine. Chris Wade, Director of ATC Network said "This is a excellent achievement to have been vetted and approved as a specific news source for ATC news. The criteria for selection was very strict and our selection will not only create a boost for traffic to our network but will also increase the exposure our members get when submitting their news to the site". Google News is a computer-generated news site that aggregates headlines from more than 4,500 English-language news sources worldwide, groups similar stories together and displays them according to each reader's personalised interests.
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