Atech to highlight its portfolio of Air Traffic Management solutions at World ATM Congress 2022
Embraer group company develops products that configure a robust, safe and consistent air navigation system
Atech, an Embraer group company, will be at World ATM Congress 2022, one of the world's largest international air traffic management exhibition and conference, that will take place in Madrid from June 21 to 23. The company will be at stand 359 showcasing its entire portfolio of products from Makron family, which offers a wide range of airspace management and control solutions.
Atech’s integrated modular systems are tailored to the needs of air navigation service providers (ANSP), military aviation, airport operations managers, and airlines. During WATM 2022, the company will also highlight its urban air traffic management (UATM) technological advances.
Atech is responsible for the development of the Brazilian air traffic management system in partnership with the Brazilian Air Force (FAB). SAGITARIO (acronym in Portuguese for Advanced System of Air Traffic Information Management and Operational Interest Report) controls the country’s airspace in an integrated manner with SIGMA (the Integrated Air Traffic Flow Management System), which uses smart technology to optimize traffic flow and air route and airport capacity.
Fully integrated with SIGMA and SAGITARIO, the Centralized Flight Plan system, the latest implemented by Atech in Brazil, is responsible for centralizing the country’s flight plan information.
Atech also has a strong presence in the international market, with its technologies and systems being used in Latin America, Africa and India. Examples include the Skyflow (ATFM) and Leo (IFPS) systems in India, both of which are tailored to the country’s specific needs and compliant with Eurocontrol standards.
“All the systems developed by Atech are modular and integrated. They can be tailored to the customer’s own needs and the specific standards adopted in each country throughout all stages of the air traffic management and control process”, says Marcos Resende, Atech’s ATM Business Director.
For country’s looking for their own affordable airspace management system, an alternative option are Atech’s cloud-based solutions, which can also be tailored to each country’s specific needs.
Atech also provides a diverse range of product support services, including training programs in systems that are already in place or in the company’s technical laboratories.
WATM 2022 visitors will be able to learn about Atech’s products and the company's future vision at the presentation “ATM 2030 – the next decade starts now”, to be given in the Spotlight Stage theater on the opening day (June 21) at 5:40 PM, local time.
Find out more about Atech’s Makron family of products:
SAGITARIO ATC: a modern integrated ATC solution, which provides a set of operational tools to visualise air traffic conditions and to support decision-making processes. The system delivers an accurate situational awareness, based on advanced information processing from multiple types of sensors, flight plans and weather to provide a widespread visualisation, coordination and efficient decision-making tools.
SIGMA ATFM: SIGMA integrates all air traffic information, with FPL, RPL, flight schedules, meteorological and surveillance data. This enables the accurate projection of demand and provides reliable feedback on possible unbalances of any airspace capacity element, including the most advanced features for each flow management phase.
ATFM SKYFLOW: a comprehensive fully integrated ATFM solution, based on international standards and recommendations, implemented by Atech for AAI in India. SKYFLOW enhances safety and efficiency in the skies, where airspace and airports demand and capacity are planned, achieving the perfect balance to make the aviation flow.
IFPS LEO: the Initial Flight Plan System LEO by Atech developed as a module attached to the ATFM solution that concentrates and process all flight plans over the Brazilian airspace. It works with the eFPL JANUS solution, a flight plan submission application for mobile devices, which eliminates errors and increases the security and agility on flight planning submission to the users.
eFPL JANUS: flight plan submission application via iOS and Android mobile devices, which can connect to the Makron IFPS-LEO or other flight plan reception system through a standard market interface. eFPL JANUS use eliminates the incidence of errors, ensuring more security on flight plan messages submission (FPL, CHG, DLA and others) and offering more agility to users.
OPMET AURA: an advanced operational meteorological data gathering and distribution service to all air navigation stakeholders. Supporting modern connection interface to large systems spectrum. AURA complies with the most up to date SWIM (System Wide Information Management) models, including IWXXM protocols.
ATC Simulation PLATAO: an ATC simulator for training and recycling skills and knowledge of air traffic controllers. Operating in either a local or remote mode, it enables simulated exercises to be created for a series of complex control operation scenarios, thus generating constructive results for air traffic controllers’ operational assessments as well as operational data for airspace validation.
R-AFIS COSMOS: the R-AFIS COSMOS is a system that enables aerodromes from remote locations to provide flight information services (AFIS) for general aviation in a secure and optimized way. AFIS | COSMOS can be operated remotely. The system provides weather information, flight plans and airspace surveillance through an integrated and intuitive graphical display.
SWIM AQUILA: developed to meet ICAO’s demands for harmonisation and interoperability among Air Traffic Management systems around the world, AQUILA enables real-time sharing of flight plan data, aeronautical information and weather among airspace navigation service providers and general aviation users around the world, through an international standard interface applied to the SWIM (System Wide Information Management) concept.
AMHS CYGNUS: it is a high availability cluster solution aimed to receive, process, storage and exchange aeronautical messages. The system is able to process around 750,000 messages per day and up to 65,000 in a peak hour, for multiple users. The user terminal has a friendly and intuitive interface, which streamlines ATS messages composition, in accordance with ICAO regulation.
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