Austro Control and Slovenia Control implement cross-border 'Free Route' Airspace

As of November 10th, Austro Control and Slovenia Control have successfully implemented the first cross-border “Free Route”-Airspace without any vertical and time-based
restrictions in Europe.
The Slovenian Austrian Cross-border Free Route Airspace (SAXFRA) successfully went operational on November 10, 2016, being the first cross-border free route airspace without vertical or time-based restrictions. Virtually all airways (ATS routes) in the SAXFRA airspace will disappear.
SAXFRA offers airspace users the opportunity to fly between predefined entry and exit points
using the most direct route possible. Airspace users will also be able to select the optimum
route and vertical profile for their requirements via intermediate points. Enabling free route
flying options in this complex and already highly optimized environment offers an estimated
savings of 13.000 kg of fuel daily and helps to reduce the CO2 emissions by 43.000 kg per day.
Free route is due to be implemented in the whole of FAB CE airspace (Austria, Slovenia,
Hungary, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bosnia-Herzegovina) by 2019.
SAXFRA, with its cross-border concept, time and vertical availability, represents a major step
forward in regard to the European ATM Master Plan for free route operations and follows the
roadmap to a successful implementation of Single European Sky.
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