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Because the Environment Matters: Conformance to ISO 14001 Confirmed for COMSOFT

COMSOFT has been issued the ISO 14001 certificate for its environmental management system. Concurrently the quality management system has been reassessed according to ISO 9001.
comsoft_qms auditPictures - left: during the audit; middle: the new logo; right (from left to right): the auditors Mr. Leßmann, Dr. Knauer (both DQS) and COMSOFTs Alexander Glöckner (Quality Manager), Manfred Schmid (Managing Director), and Ludwig Merz (Head of Quality Management)
KARLSRUHE/GERMANY, April 2009 The German ATC provider COMSOFT has been issued certificates both for its quality and environmental management systems by DQS, a worldwide operating certification body. The new certificates validity starts April 28th.
Whereas the company has proved its conformance to the quality standard ISO 9001 continuously since 1993, the procedure in relation to the environmental issues of ISO 14001 was conducted for the first time. We believe that it is also the responsibility of the ATC industry to evaluate its impact on the environment and to contribute to improved environmental protection. The public's pressure on the airline industry to unite sustainable growth and economic goals with ecological targets is also an obligation for us and is addressed adequately, says Manfred Schmid, Managing Director of COMSOFT.
After a comprehensive inspection of COMSOFTs management system the auditors were fully satisfied that all the requirements needed for obtaining the certificates were met. In particular the auditors had focused on managerial and value-adding processes which were assessed randomly. The introduction of a new management system is always a good deal of work, says Head of Quality Management Ludwig Merz. But the certification is then the visible acknowledgement of the efforts exerted by the involved staff and will further increase the customers confidence in our products and performance.
The certificate according to ISO 14001 is a document recognized all over the world as evidence of functional and successful operational environmental protection with a focus on continuous improvement of environmental performance, avoidance of negative environmental impacts and conformity with legal requirements. Since its introduction more than 130 000 organizations all over the world have been certified.


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