Chinese airport puts safety first - installs multiple Bird-X repellers for a custom built-in airport bird control system

The Kunming Changshui International Airport located in the southwestern portion of China just set the bar a little higher for airport safety standards by doing something unprecedented. They designed and constructed their new airport with a built-in comprehensive bird control system. Since the New Kunming Airport opened in June of this year, airport facility managers have reported a significant reduction in pest bird presence.
Before construction began, the New Kunming Airport facility managers met with the President and the CEO of Yunnan Sunking Trading Company Mr. Yuhui and Mr. Dong Wu, respectively. Working together, they developed a bird control plan that combined two types of Bird-X electronic bird repellers, covering the entire property.
The first device was the BroadBand PRO, an electronic device that combines sonic and ultrasonic broadcasts to repel pest birds up to six acres. The audible sounds include bird distress calls and predator cries that warn birds to stay away. The ultrasonic frequencies are nearly silent to humans but extremely irritating and disorienting to pest birds.
The second device used was the Mega Blaster PRO. The Mega Blaster is a highly powerful sonic bird control system that uses intermittent distress calls to create a danger zone that frightens birds away for good. The 20-speaker tower covers up to thirty acres.
The Kunming Changshui Airport managers decided that permanent installation of electronic bird repellers would be an excellent investment for long-term bird control success. Other Chinese airports were using gas cannons and various pyrotechnic scares to remove birds from their airfields. Mr. Dong Wu of Yunnan Sunking Trading Co. estimates that these airports were spending nearly a half million dollars per year on the products. Electronic bird control can be maintained with the flip of a switch or even by using solar power in some cases.
The final program consisted of seventeen BroadBand PRO units and four Mega Blaster PROs. The devices were strategically installed all over the property. It took eighty workers forty-five days to complete the installation. The efforts have proven worthwhile.
Mr. Dong Wu claims, It is quite obvious that the program has worked. Birds on the property are significantly reduced. Since opening the airport in June, there have been zero airplane bird strikes, zero close encounters and zero near misses. The Kunming Changshui International Airport has done something very innovative in an effort to make their pilots and passengers safer. Perhaps other airport facility managers will take note.
The first device was the BroadBand PRO, an electronic device that combines sonic and ultrasonic broadcasts to repel pest birds up to six acres. The audible sounds include bird distress calls and predator cries that warn birds to stay away. The ultrasonic frequencies are nearly silent to humans but extremely irritating and disorienting to pest birds.
The second device used was the Mega Blaster PRO. The Mega Blaster is a highly powerful sonic bird control system that uses intermittent distress calls to create a danger zone that frightens birds away for good. The 20-speaker tower covers up to thirty acres.
The Kunming Changshui Airport managers decided that permanent installation of electronic bird repellers would be an excellent investment for long-term bird control success. Other Chinese airports were using gas cannons and various pyrotechnic scares to remove birds from their airfields. Mr. Dong Wu of Yunnan Sunking Trading Co. estimates that these airports were spending nearly a half million dollars per year on the products. Electronic bird control can be maintained with the flip of a switch or even by using solar power in some cases.
The final program consisted of seventeen BroadBand PRO units and four Mega Blaster PROs. The devices were strategically installed all over the property. It took eighty workers forty-five days to complete the installation. The efforts have proven worthwhile.
Mr. Dong Wu claims, It is quite obvious that the program has worked. Birds on the property are significantly reduced. Since opening the airport in June, there have been zero airplane bird strikes, zero close encounters and zero near misses. The Kunming Changshui International Airport has done something very innovative in an effort to make their pilots and passengers safer. Perhaps other airport facility managers will take note.

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