COMSOFT: 2nd European AMHS Link Operational

On September 22nd the Federal Directorate of Civil Aviation (FEDCAD) of Bosnia-Herzegovina transferred their operational services with ease from AFTN to AMHS.
SARAJEVO/BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA, September 2011 The AMHS link between Sarajevos and Viennas messaging systems has been put in full operational service on 22 September. FEDCAD herewith joins the increasing circle of AMHS technology pioneers in Europe. The maturity of the system on the one hand, and the thorough preparation and dedication of the involved staff on the other hand were the guarantee for a flawless transition.
Take a good product, excellent customer/supplier cooperation and pinch of confidence in the new technology and you will receive a smooth transition process, is the simple recipe to establish an operational AMHS connection according to FEDCADs project manager Violeta Matanovic who had anticipated the date with serenity. She adds the good cooperation with our partner Austrocontrol was also invaluable. With the future-oriented air navigation service provider FEDCAD, the COMSOFT AIDA-NG has set another benchmark in Europe. FEDCAD hopes for many fellow organisations to follow.
From now on all operational traffic between Sarajevo and Vienna will be handled via AMHS. To date, AIDA-NG is involved in virtually all operational AMHS connections around the globe with the majority of them in the Middle East region, where a well meshed AMHS network had been established.
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