COMSOFT Provides Another Link for Future Worldwide AMHS Network
COMSOFT finalized two-phased project in Bratislava with the acceptance of full AMHS conformity. First international AMHS interoperability tests were successfully conducted.
BRATISLAVA, SLOVAK REPUBLIC, December 2008 The ANSP of the Slovak Republic, Letové prevádzkové služby Slovenskej republiky (LPS SR) had chosen COMSOFT to migrate their ATS messaging operations to latest standards. In November the LPS SR has consequently completed the commissioning of their complex AFTN/CIDIN/AMHS system on Bratislava airport.
With the intention to minimize the time-frame upon commissioning the project had been divided into two phases: The first phase had already been completed in April this year with the successful transition of the national and international AFTN/CIDIN connections to COMSOFT's AIDA-NG system. After completion of this important step, LPS SR has set the focus onto the evaluation and acceptance of the AMHS services. Besides all functional and performance tests the system had to prove its full conformance with elaborate tests defined in the EUR AMHS Manual.
Finally, the second phase added the finishing touch with the successful conduction of international AMHS interoperability tests with Austrocontrol's AMHS in Vienna. Further interoperability tests with other international AMHS partners in the area are highly sought-after and will be performed as soon as adjacent systems will be AMHS-ready.
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