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COMSOFT: South America Geared up for First International AMHS Link

The providers of air navigation services of Peru, CORPAC, and Columbia, U.A.E.A.C., have successfully conducted pre-operational AMHS tests and are well set to establish the first operational AMHS link in South-America.
BOGOTA/COLUMBIA, December 2009 In November CORPAC and U.A.E.A.C. successfully performed AMHS interoperability tests with concluding pre-operational tests in strict adherence to ICAO testing guidelines. Now, both air navigation service providers are officially ready to introduce the new communication standard in South America on international level and to benefit from the advantages of AMHS for the exchange of flight plans and other aeronautical messages.
The maturity of the participating communication partners, both being of COMSOFT's brand AIDA-NG with its widely renowned conformance to AMHS standards, and COMSOFT's worldwide expertise based on similar exercises significantly contributed to the successful test results. As a bonus, AIDA-NG unifies AFTN and AMHS in a single, fully integrated system and provides elaborate transition facilities for the forthcoming operational cutover. With Perus pivotal role between the SAM and NAM ICAO regions this first international link will surely evolve as the nucleus of the South American AMHS.
Just one week after conclusion of the tests, at the occasion of the ICAO ATN-G/G Seminar in the Dominican Republic, the achievement of the two neighbouring countries could be presented as a paramount example for swift and efficient AMHS testing in line with the ICAO AMHS Manuals. Although several other parties in South America have made considerable efforts with AMHS over years, only Peru and Columbia have now ventured into internationally embarking on this new standard.
CORPAC has operated their COMSOFT message handling system AIDA-NG since beginning of 2008 while U.A.E.A.C. has just in August put their new system into service.


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