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COMSOFT supplies highly versatile Flight Plan Converter to ENNA

To be able to seamlessly effect the transition to the new ICAO flight plan format, ENNA has chosen COMSOFTs cutting-edge flight plan converter AIDA-FPL. Following a successful site acceptance the ANSP has taken the converter into operation and is now all set for the ongoing transition.
COMSOFT has delivered its advanced flight plan converter as a stand-alone application for ENNAs flight data processor, facilitating the alignment of the existing flight data processing systems with the new flight plan format. The chosen setup allows ENNA to save enormous investment costs arising from the adaptation of end systems to the new format.

In addition to the conversion of standard flight plans from the new to the old ICAO format and vice versa, the converter also transforms information encoded in Online-Data Interchange (OLDI) messages exchanged between Algiers and the adjacent ATC centers.

Another key feature of AIDA-FPL consists in the intelligent handling of the new Date of Flight feature. The specification of the Date of Flight (DOF) in the new format allows flight plans to be filed up to five days in advance.

Without its proper conversion this would lead to a fundamental misunderstanding of the DOF and make the flight plan useless. If the DOF is set for any time later than one day in the future, AIDA-FPL stores the related flight plan data temporarily and releases it for processing 24 hours before the actual departure time at the earliest.

AIDA-FPL has been integrated in many installations with Flight Data Processing Systems of various manufacturers and has proven its versatility in adapting to the peculiarities of these end systems.


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