LPV-200 Approach at Paris-Charles de Gaulle
DSNA honoured by an EGNOS Award

For having published the first European LPV-200 approach, DSNA was awarded by the European GNSS Agency (GSA) and the European Satellite Services Provider (ESSP) CEOs at the EGNOS workshop in Warsaw on 27 September 2016.
Since the 28th of April 2016, a new generation PBN approach procedure so-called “LPV-200” (Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance approach 200 feet) has been implemented at Paris-Charles de Gaulle airport. This high precision procedure provides a level of performance equivalent to a category 1 ILS with a Decision Height (DH) of 200 feet and a Runway Visual Range of 550 meters. The operational benefits are expected in terms of safety and runways accessibility. These high performance PBN approaches enables DSNA to modernize its navigation infrastructure without the need for the expensive ground infrastructure as required for ILS. This achievement is part of PBN@CDG project, co-financed by the European Union.
Maurice Georges, DSNA CEO, said : "I am proud to continue developing EGNOS based services in partnership with ESSP. Other LPV-200 approach procedures will be progressively published over our IFR runways."
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