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Egis Avia assessed the safety performance of a new function onboard AIRBUS aircraft related to the Traffic alert and TCAS

To reduce the risk of mid-air collision, TCAS is mandatory worldwide onboard all civil transport aircraft since 2005. This device triggers Resolution Advisories (RA) telling the pilot the manoeuvre he has to fly in order to avoid a potential threat.
However, it is observed that some of these RAs can confuse the aircrew and add to their stress level as they may contradict air traffic controllers instructions leading to some wrong reactions. In order to address this issue, AIRBUS is currently developing a new function, the Auto Pilot / Flight Director TCAS (AP/FD TCAS). This guidance mode aims at supporting pilots flying TCAS RAs through an automated solution. Egis Avia has been contracted by AIRBUS to assess the effect of the introduction of this new function in the European airspace from a safety and operational point of view by comparing its performance with actual pilot reactions to RAs currently observed.


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